Fighting For All
From ensuring access to affordable health care to providing a sound basic education for every child in our state, North Carolinians continue to be shortchanged by the state legislature. Majority Rising NC will fight to hold legislators accountable for their actions to refuse forward progress on kitchen table issues that would benefit the citizens of our state.
Reclaiming Our States Future
Majority Rising NC will fight to reclaim our state’s future by pushing back against conservative policies, building public support for common-sense policies, and investing strategically in communities that will determine our state’s future.
Defending Democracy
Across the country and in our own state, elected leaders are threatening to deprive North Carolinians of their voting rights and subvert the will of the people through extreme gerrymandering and partisan power grabs. Majority Rising NC will hold those accountable for antidemocratic actions and educate the public about voting rights reforms that will protect and defend our democratic values.