Building Prosperity and Opportunity for all North Carolinians.
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Building Prosperity and Opportunity for all North Carolinians.
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About Us

North Carolina was once known as the progressive beacon in the South, providing critical support for public education, infrastructure, business, and more. But the actions of the legislature over the past decade have caused a painful turn towards hyper-conservative policies that have attempted to suppress black and brown voters, alienate members of the LGBTQ community, and harm our citizens by denying affordable healthcare and a sound basic education. Majority Rising NC seeks to educate the public on these harmful policies that have hurt our state’s future.

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Chip in to help our mission! Your support is critical to fighting for a more prosperous and equitable North Carolina. From voting rights to rural broadband and education to public safety, the policies made at the state level have an outsized impact on North Carolinians daily lives. We can’t do this without your support!